Kris Spriano


VP of Programs and Development


Member - Non-Profit

Photo of Kris Spriano

Professional Bio

Kris leads the programs strategy, development and deployment efforts for the SPLC, ensuring an effective and impact-focused approach in support of advancing and scaling sustainable procurement efforts across all types of purchasing organizations. Prior to SPLC, Kris was a Supply Chain Sustainability Manager at Cisco Systems focused on supply chain greenhouse gas emissions, environmental compliance, learning and development, and new product program management. Kris is a certified ISSP Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) and holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Parent: SPLC

Photo of Kris Spriano

Organization Role


Category Expertise


Economic Sustainability Expertise

Growth of Sustainable Products & Services

Environmental Sustainability Expertise

Supply Chain GhG Emissions

General Sustainability Expertise

Building a Biz Case, Manufacturing Processes, Non-profit partnerships/expertise, Policy / Process Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Supplier Engagement, Supplier Enterprise-level Sustainability Reporting, Training / Learning & Development, Other