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Supply Chain GHG Tools Assessment

Add this product to your cart and checkout to have your tool assessed. You can receive an invoice for payment at checkout or complete your purchase with a credit card. 


Once you submit your order, the process is as follows:

  1. SPLC manages business arrangements, then refers to our contracted reviewers, IEc.
  2. Tool developer provides SPLC/IEc with materials describing the tool, including scope, sources for data inputs, calculation methodology, types of outputs available, pricing for using the tool, and the roles of purchasers and suppliers in using the tool.
  3. IEc will review all materials and conduct a brief (1-hour) interview with the tool developer to answer questions about the tool and receive a demonstration walkthrough.
  4. IEc will prepare a 1-2 page description, analysis, and assessment of the tool’s best use case suitability to be added to the landscape report based on the following factors:

    • Applicable scope: Is the tool specific to a particular economic sector or more generally applicable across multiple sectors?
    • Availability: Is the tool free or commercially available to license? If it is commercially available, pricing information will be included in the summary.
    • Methodological approach: What methodology does the tool use to gather and analyze data on suppliers’ emissions? The Landscape report identified tools that relied on one of the following approaches: an LCA-based approach specific to certain materials or operations in a given sector, the use of I-O models for cross-sectoral analysis, and the use of facility-specific data.
    • Applicability of the tool: Is the tool more appropriate for attributing suppliers’ emissions to purchasers or providing purchasers with a more general estimate of supplier emissions that can assist in identifying priority areas for more in-depth analysis of their scope 3 emissions?
    • Other factors: Are there any other key factors that may be significant in determining the tool's suitability for different types of purchasers?
  5. SPLC will publish the updated report, calling out added tool coverage in our newsletter (~7600), social media (LinkedIn ~6700), and our Member Community (1000+ users)
Non-Member Price: $5,000
Member Price: $4,500